What is SharpPATH?
SharpPATH is an implementation of the PATH language. PATH is a programming language somewhat similar to Brainfuck, as it has a very limited instruction set. What makes it special is that code is two-dimensional. For more information about PATH, take a look at the Wikipedia entry and the sourceforge page of the first official path interpreter, PathLang.SharpPATH offers a more flexible implementation, as it is written in C# and is at least somewhat object oriented. It supports several instruction sets: The standard one used by pathlang, the older one (which just has a few instructions swapped, mostly) and the standard one extended with additional instructions from SNUSP. Eventually, it should actually support SNUSP properly.
The actual interpreter is placed in a library, so it could be embedded anywhere. In fact, a graphical development environment is planned for the future, which should make writing PATH scripts much less of a pain.
Finally, here's an example of a PATH script: